Game - sweepstake '' THE BILLION '':

This app is a sweepstake app. It proposes prizes without requiring or allowing users to bet money or something else. According to laws of many countries, the previous definition corresponds to sweepstake. According to laws of many countries, a sweepstake is not a form of gambling. So this app cannot be considered as a gambling and does not have to complies with gambling policies. So this app is considered as a sweepstake and have to complies with sweepstake policies.

This game is a sweepstake. This game is not a gambling because a sweepstake is not a gambling.


The application "THE BILLION" (hereinafter "the organizer" or "application") is organizing a free sweepstake with no purchase required entitled "THE BILLION" (Hereinafter referred to as the "Game" or "Sweepstake"), as described in these rules. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning.

The Game and, by extension, participations, will end one month after the jackpot for the current game has reached and / or exceeded the amount of 1 (one) billion (1 billion USD).

The first jackpot is credited at the opening of participations by 10 000 (ten thousand) dollars (10,000 USD).

This operation is organized exclusively by the application.


This free game is open to any adult natural person, with an access to the Internet and an account on the app, with the exception of personnel of the organizing company and their families, and all those with participated in the development of the game.

The game is subject to the user's country's legislative regulations applicable to games and sweepstakes.

The incompatibility between this regulation and the legislation of the user's country prohibits participation in this game and renders invalid any registered participation.

Any participation in the game will therefore be invalidated where the law prohibits it.

The mere fact of participating in this game and/or opening an account on the application implies full acceptance, without reservation, of this regulation.

Just participating in this game and/or opening an account on the app involves using the app according to the conditions specified in ARTICLE 14.


This game takes place exclusively on the mobile app on the dates indicated in ARTICLE 1.

To participate in the game, the participant must first register on the application, using a username, the handwritten version of the username and a password, and must complete at least one grid by selecting 12 (twelve) separate numbers among 50 (fifty) and 3 (three) separate complementary numbers among 14 (fourteen).

Each participation in the game will result in participation in the draw governed by ANNEX 2 of this regulation.

The validation of the grid will be made only if having viewed a text advertisement, visual or video according to the conditions for granting the reward by the third party distributor of advertising.

For example, an advertising video may require completions for the validation of the reward. If this condition is not met, the validation of the grid will not be performed.

For each validated grid as described above, a draw is performed to determine the amount added to the jackpot.

The draw is carried out by computer and randomly among several lots: 1 (one) lot of 1 (one) dollar (1 USD), 1 (one) lot of fifty (50) cents (0.50 USD), 2 (two) lots of 20 (twenty) cents (0.20 USD), 1 (one) lot of ten (10) cents (0.10 USD), 300 (three hundred) lots of 1 (one) penny dollar (0.01 USD) and 4695 (four thousand six hundred and ninety-five) lots of 0 (zero) dollar (0 USD).

Each lot has the same chance of being drawn.

An unlimited number of entries per person are allowed throughout the period of the game as long as the entries are made manually and not by a few automated means.


A draw of 12 (twelve) separate numbers among 50 (fifty) and 3 (three) separate complementary numbers among 14 (fourteen) will take place on the dates provided in ARTICLE 1.

The draw will be carried out by computer or mechanically at the choice of application. It will take place in all cases under the supervision of a bailiff officer.

Participants who have completed a grid with the 12 (twelve) numbers and 3 (three) complementary numbers drawn wins the lot of Rank 1 described in ARTICLE 5.

The participant winning the lot of Rank 1, also won the bonus described in ARTICLE 5 if its twelve (12) numbers and 3 (three) complementary numbers are in the correct position. In other words, he / she won the bonus if all the numbers are in the same position as those drawn.

"Good position" explanation scheme:



This diagram is a representation of the display in the application. Each square contains a number corresponding to its position in a grid. Each draw also produces a scheme of this type. A number of a grid is in the right position if its position is the same on the scheme as the one of the same number of the draw.

Participants who have completed a grid with the 12 (twelve) numbers and 2 (two) of the three (3) complementary numbers drawn win the lot of Rank 2 described in ARTICLE 5.

Participants who have completed a grid with the 12 (twelve) numbers and 1 (one) of 3 (three) complementary numbers drawn win the lot of Rank 3 described in ARTICLE 5.

Participants who have completed a grid with the 12 (twelve) numbers and none of the three (3) bonus numbers drawn win the lot of Rank 4 described in ARTICLE 5.

Participants who have completed a grid with the 11 (eleven) of the twelve (12) numbers drawn and the three (3) complementary numbers drawn wins the lot of Rank 5 described in ARTICLE 5.

Other ranks and gains eligibility conditions to those ranks have no designation in the regulation at this time. The application is in ARTICLE 9 granted the right to later add the details of these lots.

The participant who wins one of the lots at Ranks 2, 3, 4 or 5 also wins the bonus described in ARTICLE 5 if his / her numbers and complementary numbers are in the right position. In other words, he / she wins the bonus if all his / her winning numbers are in the same position as those drawn.

The winner's name, consisting of his / her full first name accompanied by the initial of his / her last name, the country and region of the winner as well as the date and time of validation of the winner's grid will be displayed on the application with the draw concerned by the winning.

The result of the draw will be known no later than 24 hours after the draw.

The display and/or designation of the winning or non-winning character of a grid recorded during the duration of the game will take place no later than 2 (two) days after the draw.


The game has the following lots:

Lots from Ranks 1 and 2 are to be shared between the winners in equal parts.

Other lots are payable in full to each winner of the corresponding rank from one week after the winner's participation is validated.

The game also has the following bonuses for winners in Ranks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:

Winners of the Rank 1 lot will therefore have the option to choose between:

Winners of the Rank 2 lot will therefore have the option to choose between:

The winner of a lot receives exclusively the lot at the corresponding highest rank. A winner can therefore receive only one prize for a winning grid.

The allocations may in no case be exchanged against any other prize. The application cannot be held responsible for the use or non-use or non-use, or even of trading, of the winners lots. In case of absolute necessity, the application reserves the right to substitute the prize won by a lot of nature and of equal value.


After each draw, the winning grids designate his / her issuer as a potential winner.

The potential winner becomes a winner and can claim his / her winnings after checking the validity of his / her participation as described below.

The application reserves the right to verify the validity of the participation of winner before receiving his / her prize. To do this, the application will require identification and/or other documents that demonstrate the validity of the participation.

In order to pay the winnings, the potential winner will have to submit a Bank Identity Statement in his or her name. If it is not possible to submit one to the application, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and will not be eligible for any winnings.

All gains are based on the U.S. dollar. The winner wishing to obtain payment in another currency agrees that the exchange rate fees will be deducted from the payment.

A potential winner must have registered on the application at its legal majority. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

A potential winner will have to comply with both the regulations and the terms of use of the application. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

A potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain if he / she does not claim his / her winnings via the application on the "Rewards" page within thirty days from the draw for which the winning grid associated with the win participated.

Failure of this regulation and any fraud or attempted cheating, whatever its terms, result in the outright elimination of the participation of its author.

The participant has the option to cancel his / her participation by deleting his / her account from the app and uninstalling the application of his / her device.


Participants in this game accept the full rules. It can be obtained and viewed on the app for the duration of the game.


The application reserves the right to modify these rules.

Any modification may be performed only if it improves the chances of participants to win, except in case of absolute necessity. Any change can therefore not decrease the chances of participants to win, except in case of absolute necessity.

Any changes that do not affect participants' chances of winning will be carried out within the limit that it is not abusive and does not change the rules.

The application reserves the right to make any changes to clarify the elements of this regulation.


The application reserves the right to increment the jackpot amount from time to time without limit.

The application reserves the right to cancel the sweepstake in case of absolute necessity.

The application reserves the right to suspend participation in the sweepstake for a fixed or indeterminate period. In this case, all games associated will be interrupted.

The application reserves the right not to renew the sweepstake. In this case, all games associated will not be renewed.

The application reserves the right to invalidate any participation made by a user who does not comply with this regulation.

The application reserves the right to later add the details of lots of the Rank 6 and following.

The jeopardy of the application economy is considered as a case of absolute necessity.


No personal data is collected by the app by participating in the game.

No data is transmitted to third parties by the application.

The data requested from the winners is not retained after the payment or issuance of the winnings.

Any data presented in the app is a non-nominal version of the data transmitted by the winners.


The application allows users to sponsor their friends or relatives.

A unique code is assigned to each user who wants to use the sponsorship system.

The sponsorship system and its winnings are governed by ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 3 of this regulation.


No refund will be given for Internet use or any other reason.


Any brand represented in the application is the property of the company or associated company.

Any brand represented in the application or in the regulation is not a sponsor of the game except those represented on the "Rewards" page.


The terms of use of the application are available at



The application is organizing a free sweepstake with no purchase required, entitled "THE BILLION - SPONSORSHIP " (Hereinafter referred to as the "Game" or "Sweepstake"), as described in these rules. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning.

The Game is a winning moment and will end at the same time as the stop of the game "THE BILLION" of the main regulation.

This operation is organized exclusively by the application.


Any user who complies with the rules of the game "THE BILLION" and has an account on the application can participate in this winning moment.


The user must sponsor a friend or relative by sharing his / her unique code.

The friend or relative must then provide the user's code at the time of registration on the app.

The friend or relative must then register and validate 13 (thirteen) grids in the game "THE BILLION" according to the rules of the game "THE BILLION."

The user then receives a reward on the "Rewards" page to play at the winning moment.

An unlimited number of entries per person are allowed throughout the period of the game as long as the entries are made manually and not by a few automated means.


After receiving the reward described in ARTICLE 3 of ANNEX 1, a draw is made to determine whether or not the user's participation is the winner.

The draw is carried out by computer and randomly among integers numbers between 1 (one) and 1,000,000 (one million) included.

A first draw is performed to determine the winning number. A second draw is performed to determine the participant number.

If the two numbers match, the participation is considered to be the winner and the user wins the lot described in ARTICLE 5 of ANNEX 1.

Otherwise it is considered a loser.

The winner's name, consisting of his / her full first name accompanied by the initial of his / her last name, the country and region of the winner will be displayed on the app.


The game has the following lot:

The lot will be sent to the winner from one week after the winner's participation is validated.


After each winning entry, the user becomes a potential winner.

The potential winner becomes a winner and can claim his / her winnings after checking the validity of his / her participation as described below.

The application reserves the right to verify the validity of the winner's participation and his / her friend (s) or relative (s) before the delivery of the prize. To do this, the application will require identification and/or other documents that demonstrate the validity of the winner's participation and his / her friend (s) or relative (s).

A potential winner must have registered on the application at its legal majority. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

In order to proceed with the winning, the potential winner will have to provide their postal address. If it is not possible to send one to the application, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and will not be eligible for any winnings. The delivery costs will be borne by the application.

A potential winner will have to comply with both the regulations and the terms of use of the application. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

A potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain if he / she does not claim his / her winnings via the application on the "Rewards" page within thirty days of the establishment of winning character of the relevant participation .

Failure of this regulation and any fraud or attempted cheating, whatever its terms, result in the outright elimination of the participation of its author.

The participant has the option to cancel his / her participation by deleting his / her account from the app and uninstalling the application of his / her device.



The application is organizing a free sweepstake with no purchase required, entitled "THE BILLION - DRAW " (Hereinafter referred to as the "Game" or "Sweepstake"), as described in these rules. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning.

The Game and, by extension, the entries, will end simultaneously with each draw of the game "THE BILLION" the principal regulations.

This operation is organized exclusively by the application.


Any user who complies with the rules of the game "THE BILLION" and has an account on the application can participate in this draw.


The user must register and validate at least one (1) grid to the game "THE BILLION" according to the rules of the game "THE BILLION".

For each grid recorded in the game "THE BILLION" according to the rules of the game "THE BILLION", a participation is recorded.

An unlimited number of entries per person are allowed throughout the period of the game as long as the entries are made manually and not by a few automated means.


A draw is made at the same time as each draw of the game "THE BILLION" of the main rules to determine the potential winner and three potential replacement winners.

This draw is carried out by computer and randomly among all the grids recorded in the game "THE BILLION" according to the rules of the game "THE BILLION". Each grid has the same probability of being drawn.

The grid selected by the draw designates its issuer as a potential winner. Three other grids are drawn and designate their isuers as potential replacement winners.

The winner's name, consisting of his / her full first name accompanied by the initial of his / her last name, the country and region of the winner will be displayed on the app.

The result of the draw will be known no later than 24 hours after the draw.


The game has the following lot:

The winner of the prize will therefore have the option to choose between:


After the draw, the issuer of the selected grid becomes a potential winner.

The potential winner becomes a winner and can claim his / her winnings after checking the validity of his / her participation as described below.

The application reserves the right to verify the validity of the participation of the winner before the delivery of the prize. To do this, the application will require identification and/or other documents that demonstrate the validity of the participation.

In order to pay the winnings, the potential winner will have to submit a Bank Identity Statement in his or her name. If it is not possible to submit one to the application, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and will not be eligible for any winnings. The next potential replacement winner then becomes a potential winner. If there is no more potential replacement winner, the game has no winners.

All gains are based on the U.S. dollar. The winner wishing to obtain payment in another currency agrees that the exchange rate fees will be deducted from the payment.

A potential winner must have registered on the application at its legal majority. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

A potential winner will have to comply with both the regulations and the terms of use of the application. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

A potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain if he / she does not claim his / her winnings via the application on the "Rewards" page within thirty days of the establishment of winning character of the relevant participation .

Failure of this regulation and any fraud or attempted cheating, whatever its terms, result in the outright elimination of the participation of its author.

The participant has the option to cancel his / her participation by deleting his / her account from the app and uninstalling the application of his / her device.



The application is organizing a free sweepstake with no purchase required, entitled "THE BILLION - DRAW - SPONSORSHIP " (Hereinafter referred to as the "Game" or "Sweepstake"), as described in these rules. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning.

The Game and, by extension, the entries, will end simultaneously with each draw of the game "THE BILLION" the principal regulations.

This operation is organized exclusively by the application.


Any user who complies with the rules of the game "THE BILLION" and has an account on the application can participate in this draw.


The user must sponsor a friend or relative by sharing his / her unique code.

The friend or relative must then provide the user's code at the time of registration on the app.

The friend or relative must then register and validate 13 (thirteen) grids in the game "THE BILLION" according to the rules of the game "THE BILLION."

A participation on behalf of the user is then recorded.

As a result, a user will have as many entries in the draw as sponsored friends or relatives.

An unlimited number of entries per person are allowed throughout the period of the game as long as the entries are made manually and not by a few automated means.


A draw is made at the same time as each draw of the game "THE BILLION" of the main rules to determine the potential winner and three potential replacement winners.

This draw is carried out by computer and randomly among all the sponsorships registered as part of the game "THE BILLION". Each sponsorship has the same probability of being drawn.

The sponsorship selected by the draw designates his / her issuer, the owner of the associated sponsorship code, as a potential winner. Three other sponsorships are drawn and designate their issuers as potential replacement winners.

The winner's name, consisting of his / her full first name accompanied by the initial of his / her last name, the country and region of the winner will be displayed on the app.

The result of the draw will be known no later than 24 hours after the draw.


The game has the following lot:

The winner of the prize will therefore have the option to choose between:


After the draw, the sponsor issuer, the owner of the associated sponsorship code, selected becomes a potential winner.

The potential winner becomes a winner and can claim his / her winnings after checking the validity of his / her participation as described below.

The application reserves the right to verify the validity of the winner's participation and his / her friend (s) or relative (s) before the delivery of the prize. To do this, the application will require identification and/or other documents that demonstrate the validity of the winner's participation and his / her friend (s) or relative (s).

A potential winner must have registered on the application at its legal majority. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

A potential winner will have to comply with both the regulations and the terms of use of the application. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and will not be eligible for any winnings.

In order to pay the winnings, the potential winner will have to submit a Bank Identity Statement in his or her name. If it is not possible to submit one to the application, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and will not be eligible for any winnings. The next potential replacement winner then becomes a potential winner. If there is no more potential replacement winner, the game has no winners.

All gains are based on the U.S. dollar. The winner wishing to obtain payment in another currency agrees that the exchange rate fees will be deducted from the payment.

A potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain if he / she does not claim his / her winnings via the application on the "Rewards" page within thirty days of the establishment of winning character er of the relevant participation .

Failure of this regulation and any fraud or attempted cheating, whatever its terms, result in the outright elimination of the participation of its author.

The participant has the option to cancel his / her participation by deleting his / her account from the app and uninstalling the application of his / her device.



The application is organizing a free sweepstake with no purchase required, entitled "THE BILLION - INTERMEDIATE DRAW " (Hereinafter referred to as the "Game" or "Sweepstake"), as described in these rules. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning.

The Game and, by extension, the entries, will end each day at 20:00 (Paris time). The next game starts at 20:01 (Paris time).

As of August 1, 2020, a draw will only take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week. Entries will therefore end on the day of the draw at 20:00 (Paris time). The next game starts at 20:01 (Paris time).

This operation is organized exclusively by the application.


Any user who complies with the rules of the game "THE BILLION" and has an account on the application can participate in this draw.


The user must register and validate at least one (1) grid to the game "THE BILLION" according to the rules of the game "THE BILLION".

For each grid recorded in the game "THE BILLION" according to the rules of the game "THE BILLION", a participation is recorded.

An unlimited number of entries per person are allowed throughout the period of the game as long as the entries are made manually and not by a few automated means.

The grids that were played between the start date of the main draw and the end date of ARTICLE 1 are counted. Randomly generated grids obtained by reward are excluded from participation.


A draw of 12 (twelve) separate numbers among 50 (fifty) and 3 (three) separate complementary numbers among 14 (fourteen) will take place on the dates provided in ARTICLE 1.

The draw will be carried out computer-generated or mechanically at choice of application. For now, and in accordance with the law, the control of a judicial officer/bailiff is not necessary. The results are legitimate and considered as such. As proof of legitimacy, it is proposed to consult the logic of the drawing script.

The winner's name, consisting of his / her full first name accompanied by the initial of his / her last name, the country and region of the winner as well as the date and time of validation of the winner's grid will be displayed on the application with the draw concerned by the winning.

The result of the draw will be known no later than 24 hours after the draw.

The display and/or designation of the winning or non-winning character of a grid recorded during the duration of the game will take place no later than 2 (two) days after the draw.


The game has the lots listed on the ranks page.

The winner of the prize valued at or above $100,000 will therefore have the option to choose between:

The winner of a multi-row main-ranked prize share the winnings with the winners in those rows.

The minimum payout for ranks with winnings is $0.001.

Earnings are made available through rewards. The user claims his reward on the app. For any monetary gains for the benefit of the user, they are returned to the user's vault. These gains are payable by the application until the date of the main draw "THE BILLION" associated with the intermediate draw. An additional month is accorded to make the winners dispose of their winnings.


After each draw, the winning grids designate his / her issuer as a potential winner.

The potential winner becomes a winner and can claim his / her winnings after checking the validity of his / her participation as described below.

The application reserves the right to verify the validity of the participation of winner before receiving his / her prize. To do this, the application will require identification and/or other documents that demonstrate the validity of the participation.

In order to pay the winnings, the potential winner will have to submit a Bank Identity Statement in his or her name. If it is not possible to submit one to the application, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and will not be eligible for any winnings.

Earnings to be added to the user's vault, once claimed via the app, are added to the user's vault if they have one or lost if they don't have one.

Earnings are lost if the associated grid is removed or if the user deletes his/her account or if he/she loses access to his/her account. Earnings are also lost if they are not claimed within the specified claim dates regulation.

All gains are based on the U.S. dollar. The winner wishing to obtain payment in another currency agrees that the exchange rate fees will be deducted from the payment.

A potential winner must have registered on the application at its legal majority. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

A potential winner will have to comply with both the regulations and the terms of use of the application. Otherwise, the potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain.

A potential winner will be eliminated from the game and can not claim any gain if he / she does not claim his / her winnings via the application on the "Rewards" page within thirty days from the draw for which the winning grid associated with the win participated.

Failure of this regulation and any fraud or attempted cheating, whatever its terms, result in the outright elimination of the participation of its author.

The participant has the option to cancel his / her participation by deleting his / her account from the app and uninstalling the application of his / her device.


The service is temporarily suspended until an unknown date.

Written on 12 / 03 / 2019 (December 3, 2019). Updated on 03 / 16 / 2020 ( March 16, 2020 ), 07 / 23 / 2020 ( July 23, 2020 ), 12 / 18 / 2022 ( December 18, 2023 ).